One & Only ”IR EXPO” in Japan!


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  • Venue:TOKYO BIG SIGHT / South Hall


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  • What's Japan IR EXPO
  • Background

What's Japan IR EXPO



On July 20, 2018, Specific Complex Tourism Facilities Area Development Bill, so-called IR (Integrated Resorts) Bill, passed and was approved by the Diet. As a result, the development of complex tourism facilities including casinos will progress in Japan, which promote long-stay tourism.

Under such circumstances, we decided to hold the "1st JAPAN IR EXPO in Yokohama" aiming at revitalizing and developing IR, a whole new industry for Japan. Through this exhibition, it is expected that the Japanese IR industry will develop soundly and that the "Japanese version of IR", which can attract a large number of tourists from all over the world, will promptly develop.

Integrated Resort (IR)

The term "Integrated Resort (IR)" means facilities integrating casino facilities, convention and conference facilities, recreation facilities, exhibition facilities, accommodation facilities and other facilities that are deemed to contribute to the advancement of tourism, and which are established and operated by a private business operator.

This refers a complex tourist facility that includes casinos and other entertainment facilities as well as accommodation facilities, conference facilities, eating and drinking facilities, and merchandise sales facilities.
It is a high-standard facility for tourists, business travelers, ordinary citizens, etc. in cities and sightseeing spots.

IR is expected to enhance the attractiveness of cities and tourist destinations, attract tourists and business travelers, and revitalize the local economy through various synergies such as construction, employment, tax revenue, and consumption associated with facility development.

(Excerpt from “Basic Ideas on IR Implementation Bill” by the All-party parliamentary group of International Tourism Industry Promotion)

Act on Promotion of Development of Specified Complex Tourist Facilities Areas

The Act on Promotion of Development of Specified Complex Tourist Facilities Areas is a cabinet order that stipulates necessary matters to realize attractive stay-type tourism which is highly competitive in the international market by promoting the development of Specified Complex Tourist Facilities Areas.
It was passed on July 20, 2018, and issued on July 27.
This act stipulates that IR areas should be certified up to three places (the number of areas should be revised after 7 years).

→ Full texte of the Act (Official Website of the Prime Minister's Office of Japan)